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Experienced Divorce and Mediation Lawyers

An experienced divorce and mediation lawyer can ensure your interests are represented in court and give you the best chance of a fair resolution. At Hudson Family Law, we have extensive education, training, and experience in family law. Whether you need assistance with a prenuptial agreement, parental responsibility issue, or establishing paternity, we will make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can represent yourself in complex or emotional family legal matters. Call our office today to schedule a consultation with our contested and uncontested divorce lawyers in Palm Beach, FL.

When and Why You Need a Family or Divorce Lawyer

Any issue involving family legal matters can become contentious, even if you think it is uncontested. If you attempt to represent yourself in a divorce, parental responsibility or paternity issue, or other family law matter, you risk getting in over your head and letting your emotions rule your decisions. Hiring a family or divorce lawyer will ensure you have impartial legal advice and equitable representation in and out of court. Our team strongly recommends that everyone involved in a family legal matter has legal representation or a legal advocate to act in their best interests. Our experienced attorneys will protect you, your children, and your financial future. We recommend that you let our divorce and family law attorneys help if:

Contested Divorce Lawyers in Palm Beach
  • The other party has retained an attorney.
  • You and the other party cannot agree on key areas of the matter at hand.
  • You and the other party can’t create an equitable division of assets, debts, parenting time, visitation, or other matters.
  • Minor children are involved.
  • Paternity is contested.
  • Your case is complex and/or involves new areas of law, high net worth, or assets in different states.
  • You need to divide up a partnership or business.
  • You don’t feel safe negotiating with the other party.
  • There are issues of domestic violence and/or child support.

Our Family Law and Divorce Practice Areas

We work hard to find the optimal solution for each one of our clients. No two clients or cases are alike, so we don’t take a ‘one size fits all’ approach to any case. When you hire our team, you will not have to navigate the legal process alone. You will have an advocate every step of the way. Call us today to schedule a consultation for representation in any of these areas of divorce and family law:

  • Parental responsibility, visitation, and parenting time.
  • Child abuse.
  • Child support.
  • Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements.
  • Contested and uncontested divorces.
  • High-net-worth
  • LGBTQ+ relationships.
  • Division of assets and property.
  • Alimony and alimony modification.
  • Domestic violence.

Why Choose Hudson Family Law

Hudson Family Law, we handle a broad range of family law matters and have extensive education and experience in every area. Our team is compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated. We tirelessly advocate for our clients and ensure their interests are represented throughout legal proceedings. We will work closely with you to create a personalized strategy for approaching your case and do everything we can to give you the best chance of success. We believe that everyone deserves a legal advocate who genuinely cares about the outcome of their case. We will negotiate on your behalf, help you secure a fair resolution in your case, and offer guidance as you transition into a new phase in your life.

Schedule a Family Law or Divorce Lawyer Consultation

If you’re ready to discuss your family legal matter with an experienced attorney, call us today or contact us online to schedule a family law or divorce lawyer consultation in Palm Beach, FL. After reviewing your case’s details, we can give you a sense of what to expect in court. You can also ask any questions you have and determine if we are a good fit for your needs and goals.

Schedule a Consultation Today